Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Toddler Tuesday - My animals have the same parts as me!

Today we are going to use our pets or our toddler's favorite stuffed animals to reinforce the body parts.  Learning body parts is an important goal for toddler self-awareness.  In this short activity we are going to also show them that animals have the same parts as they do helping to build on their natural interest in animals.  This type of activity works best when you only do it once through at a time, but repeat it often.  This is a good time to also practice gentle hands if you are helping your child to point to the body parts on a family pet.
My toddler playing with Linguine (who is an amazingly
sweet and tolerant cat.)
First practice this following song with your toddler:

Here are my ears. (Child points to ears)
Here is my nose. (Child points to nose)
Here are my hands. (Child holds up hands)
Here are my toes. (Child points to toes)

Here are my eyes. (Child points to eyes.)
Both opened wide. (Child opens eyes wide)
Here is my mouth. (Child opens mouth)
With white teeth inside. (Child smiles showing teeth)

Once your little one is familiar with the song adapt it for animals (stuffed or real) that you see around you.  For example we have a cat named Linguine so I sing,

Here are kitty’s ears. (Child points to ears)
Here is kitty’s nose. (Child points to nose)
Here are kitty’s legs. (Child holds up hands)
Here are kitty’s toes. (Child points to toes)

Here are kitty’s eyes. (Child points to eyes.)
Both opened wide.
Here kitty’s mouth. (Child points to mouth)
With white teeth inside.

I hope you enjoy this simple and easy to repeat activity.  Next week’s preschooler activity will be hunting for creepy crawlies outside and it is very well suited for all age groups so I will be substituting a book review on Toddler Tuesday instead of an adapted activity, be sure to stop by to see what science books we are reading at our house.  (With shameless promotion of my Usborne site as this month’s book happens to be an Usborne book).  Till Saturday,  keep exploring!

Song from the following great resource for toddler lessons:  http://www.preschoolexpress.com/

1 comment:

  1. This is great! These learning songs are such a great way to engage the little ones, teaching but having fun too. Thanks for the great ideas!
